Pest Control Services

Rely on Our Pros to Handle
a Variety of Pest Problems
Ant Control
You expect to see ants marching around on the sidewalk, but you don’t expect to find them in your kitchen or living room. If you notice ants in your home or commercial facility, hire our ant and pest control company in Phoenix metropolitan area.
Polite Pest offers residential and commercial ant removal services. Contact us now to get a free estimate.

Bed Bug Control
Have you been waking up with itchy red spots on your skin? Have you noticed small rust-colored stains on your sheets and pillows? Sounds like you might be dealing with a bed bug problem. But that’s no reason to panic – just call Polite Pest for bed bug removal services.
If you notice signs of a bed bug infestation, call 480-331-5040 right away. Our bed bug control company serves residential and commercial clients in and around Phoenix metropolitan area.
Bee Control
Dealing with bees? Bee pest control services are just a phone call away.
You know that bees have an important role in the ecosystem, but you don’t want them anywhere near you, your home or your commercial facility. If you’re dealing with a bee problem in Phoenix metropolitan area or the surrounding area, hire Polite Pest for bee removal services.
Don’t let your yard become a hot spot for bees. Our pest control specialists can remove hives safely and get rid of infestations. With a decade of experience to draw on, we have the knowledge and skills needed to take care of bee problems the right way.

Cockroach Control
Roaches are one of the most common pests in Arizona. They can infest homes and businesses, and are a nuisance to homeowners and customers alike. In particular, restaurant owners may face citations if roach infestations are found around food.
Roaches are often brought into homes on furniture, luggage, or boxes from other infested areas. Roaches thrive particularly in densely populated areas where garbage may be plentiful and accessible. Once they are inside a home or other space, roaches can breed quickly and become a serious problem.
Earwig Control
Earwigs, more formally known as dermaptera, are small insects that thrive in a variety of environments throughout the world–including in Arizona. Unfortunately, earwigs often find their way into households when they hitch a ride inside potted plants or produce shipments.
No, earwigs do not crawl into your ears and lay eggs in your brain like the old legends say, but that doesn’t mean you want to be roommates with them, either.

Rodent Control
Hire rodent control experts in Phoenix metropolitan area.
Do you suspect there’s a rodent problem on your property? Whether you’ve seen the signs of damage or the actual rodents, you’ll want to evict your unwanted guests immediately. Polite Pest offers rodent control services to clients in Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding areas.
From rats to mice, we know how to determine what type of rodent you’re dealing with, remove it and make sure it doesn’t come back. Call 480-331-5040 now for a free estimate on mouse and rat control.
Scorpion Control
Look into scorpion control services in Phoenix metropolitan area.
If you live in or around Phoenix metropolitan area, then you’re probably familiar with the scorpion population. Arizona Bark Scorpions typically prefer the outdoors, but when the weather becomes too dry and warm, they may make their way into your home.
You don’t want to have to deal with a venomous scorpion for a roommate. Instead of stressing over your bug problem, contact Polite Pest for scorpion control services. We specialize in removing scorpions from homes and making sure they don’t return. Learn more about our scorpion pest control today by calling 480-331-5040.

Silverfish Control
Arizona residents are no stranger to silverfish infestations, especially during warm and humid months when the insects are most active. With their long, flat bodies and slippery movements, these pests can easily sneak into homes through small cracks in foundations or other openings.
They are also adept hitchhikers and can quickly spread throughout a home via cardboard boxes or used furniture. In addition to causing damage to fibers and other organic materials, they also emit a pungent smell that can be unappealing.
Homeowners who suspect an infestation should take preventive steps such as performing regular inspections of vulnerable areas and sealing any identified points of entry. Early recognition is key for controlling the infestation, enlisting the help of a good residential pest control service, and mitigating any potential damages.
Spider Control
Why are spiders so dreaded by us humans? OK, they may look icky, for lack of a better word, but most of them are not harmful. In fact, many actually benefit humanity by controlling other insect populations that can be harmful to humans.
Arizona is home to a diverse array of spiders, ranging from harmless species such as daddy longlegs to venomous species like the Arizona brown spider.

Termite Control
Avoid hefty repair costs by calling our pest control company in Phoenix metropolitan area right away
While termites probably won’t bite or hurt you, they can definitely hurt your wallet. It could cost you hundreds of dollars to repair termite damage, so you’ll want to schedule a termite inspection as soon as you notice signs of an infestation.
If you need termite control services in the Phoenix metropolitan area area, turn to the pros at Polite Pest. We’ll work to resolve the problem quickly so you can save money and get peace of mind.